Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hiding Data in Ping Packets

Fun little idea I started playing around with. I wanted to send data using ping packets ICMP packets are seemed as harmless and it would be hard to distinguish legitimate pings and pings containing encrypted data.
  • Populate a Protocol Buffer
  • Serialize the Protocol Buffer to a String
  • Pad the data if necessary and encrypt with Blowfish
  • Create a ICMP packet with a random salt + the encrypted data.
  • Sniff for ICMP packets and reverse all the above steps.
Inspired a bit by Loki.

Some of things I learned and want to do if I find the time.
  • I learned that block ciphers need to pad data.
  • Ping replies contain the same data as the request. It makes sense now but I was initially planning to change the data in the reply.
  • I'm concerned I'm still not doing things properly. Example theres nothing to stop anybody from replaying a packet. Maybe I could add a timestamp to the protocol buffer and ignore packets that are a minute old or something. I'd liked to figure out how fwknop works.

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